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Hello Dance Teacher Friends! 

 My name is Jessica Strong,  I LOVE helping DANCE TEACHERS and DANCE STUDIO OWNERS create a Preschool Program that allows your dancers and their families to DANCE, LEARN & GROW for years at your studio! 

I believe that a strong Preschool Program is the way to GROW your studio (not awards and trophies). Hear me out! Moms are dying to get their babies into all the different experiences! They want to see their little girls in big fluffy tutus & tiaras. They want to see their boys hip hopping & tapping in cute suits & bow ties.

But it’s one thing to attract the parents into your program, & a different thing to keep them there!! Most preschool parents drop their child off, if their lucky, they may get an observation window to peek into. Usually they have to wait until a recital to see what their child has learned only to see a 1 minute dance in a 2 hour show, which may have them wondering what they’re paying for. So they move on to gymnastics, music or sports to try next.

How can we do better selling the value of dance to these parents when their child is young, & keep them coming back to your studio year after year?? Let's Chat about it! Schedule a FREE 20 Minute Zoom Consultation with me! We will talk about your studio, classroom and strategies as well as some resources Dance to Learn® can provide to help you improve your Preschool Dance Classes and Preschool Dance Program! 

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All Times are Mountain Time. 

20 Minute Consultations are performed Via Zoom! You will receive an email with your private zoom link within 24 hours of booking your consultation. 


© 2023 Dance to Learn, LLC All Rights Reserved

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